If the parties agree to have one arbitrator to form an arbitration tribunal, the arbitrator shall be selected jointly by the parties or be nominated by the chairman of the arbitration commission in accordance with a joint mandate given by the parties. 当事人约定由一名仲裁员成立仲裁庭的,应当由当事人共同选定或者共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定仲裁员。
If the arbitration tribunal refuses to re-arbitrate, the people's court shall rule to resume the cancellation procedure. 仲裁庭拒绝重新仲裁的,人民法院应当裁定恢复撤销程序。
If the parties apply for conciliation voluntarily, the arbitration tribunal shall conciliate. 当事人自愿调解的,仲裁庭应当调解。
The composition of the arbitration tribunal or the procedure for arbitration was not in conformity with the rules of arbitration; (三)仲裁庭的组成或者仲裁的程序与仲裁规则不符的;
The arbitration tribunal shall decide whether to postpone the hearing. 是否延期,由仲裁庭决定。
When a settlement agreement is reached by conciliation, the arbitration tribunal shall prepare the conciliation statement or the award on the basis of the results of the settlement agreement. 调解达成协议的,仲裁庭应当制作调解书或者根据协议的结果制作裁决书。
Article 48 An arbitration tribunal shall make a written record of the hearing. 第四十八条仲裁庭应当将开庭情况记入笔录。
Article 30 An arbitration tribunal may comprise three arbitrators or one arbitrator. 第三十条仲裁庭可以由三名仲裁员或者一名仲裁员组成。
Article 33 After the arbitration tribunal is constituted, the arbitration commission shall notify the parties in writing of the composition of the arbitration tribunal. 第三十三条仲裁庭组成后,仲裁委员会应当将仲裁庭的组成情况书面通知当事人。
An arbitration tribunal has the right to rule on the validity of a contract. 仲裁庭有权确认合同的效力。
If an arbitration tribunal comprises three arbitrators, a presiding arbitrator shall be appointed. 由三名仲裁员组成的,设首席仲裁员。
The composition of the arbitration tribunal or the arbitration procedure is in contrary to the legal procedure; 仲裁庭的组成或者仲裁的程序违反法定程序的;
The arbitration tribunal may consult experts or appoint appraisers for the clarification of special questions relating to the cases. 仲裁庭可以就案件中的专门问题请专家咨询或者指定鉴定人进行鉴定。
Upon the permission of the arbitration tribunal, the parties may question the appraiser. 当事人经仲裁庭许可,可以向鉴定人提问。
The arbitrator or arbitration tribunal shall apply the rules of this Convention. 仲裁员或仲裁庭应当应用本公约的各项规则。
The presiding arbitrator and the two appointed arbitrators will jointly form an arbitration tribunal to jointly hear the case. 首席仲裁员与被选定或者被指定的两名仲裁员组成仲裁庭,共同审理案件。
Both parties mutually designate a sole arbitrator to form the arbitration tribunal, to hear and decide according to the proper procedures accredited by the arbitration tribunal. 甲乙双方共同指定独任仲裁员,组成仲裁庭,按照仲裁庭认为适当的程序进行审理并作出裁决。
The award made by the Arbitration Tribunal is final and binding on both parties. 仲裁法庭所做出的判决都是终审判决,对仲裁双方都是有约束力的。
Article 32 The arbitration tribunal will hold oral hearings. 第三十二条仲裁庭应当开庭审理案件。
Article 46 The arbitration tribunal may conciliate cases in the manner it considers appropriate. 第四十六条仲裁庭可以按照其认为适当的方式进行调解。
After the appointment of the substitute arbitrator, the arbitration tribunal has discretion to decide whether to repeat the whole or a part of the previous procedures. 替代的仲裁员选定或者指定后,由仲裁庭决定以前进行过的全部或部分审理是否需要重新进行。
At the request of the arbitration tribunal, the Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission may extend this time limit as he considers necessary and justifiable. 在仲裁庭的要求下,仲裁委员会秘书长认为确有必要和确有正当理由的,可以延长该期限。
The arbitration tribunal or the Secretariat may, if it considers it necessary, request the parties to furnish it with corresponding translation copies in Chinese language or other languages of the documents and evidential materials submitted by the parties. 对当事人提交的各种文书和证明材料,仲裁庭或秘书处认为必要时,可以要求当事人提供相应的中文译本或其他语文的译本。
The arbitration tribunal shall determine whether the resumption of the procedure may be allowed. 仲裁庭也可以自行决定已进行的仲裁程序是否重新进行。
Should the parties fail to make such appointment or entrustment, the chairman of the Arbitration Commission shall immediately appoint one sole arbitrator to form an arbitration tribunal to hear the case. 双方当事人逾期未能共同选定或者共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定的,仲裁委员会主任应立即指定一名独任仲裁员成立仲裁庭审理案件。
However, the arbitration tribunal may refuse such an amendment if it considers that the request has been raised too late and may affect the progress of the arbitration proceedings. 但是,仲裁庭认为其修改的提出过迟而影响仲裁程序正常进行的,可以拒绝其修改。
Accordingly, Respondent pleads that this arbitration tribunal deny Applicant ′ s requests Nos.1 based on its fact findings. 鉴此,被申请人请求仲裁庭在查明事实的基础上,驳回申请人的第1项仲裁请求。
The three arbitrators so appointed will from an arbitration tribunal to hear the case. 由这样指定的三位仲裁员组成仲裁庭来审理案件。